Radio Free Deimos is a fan-created podcast broadcasting from Deimos, Mars’s tiny little moon paradise. Through the magic of Transcendent Technology’s new podcasting suite we’re able to transmit from 2750 to look at Hc Svnt Dracones news and product in the early 21st century, from a moon that may or may not exist. Don’t ask, we’ve learned not to question TTI software. We aim for two episodes a month, but “month” is a nebulous concept.
You can find us on Itunes, Stitcher, and Google Play.
Meet the Hosts!
♃ Species: Fox (Silver)
♃ Species: Dog (Hairless Khala)
♃ Species: Hyena (Spotted)
We’re occasionally visited by Nixxian, a Sneppard from the neighboring moon/criminal underworld of Phobos, when the two moons are in perihelion. Our staff artist is Ashley, you can find her work on FurAffinity.
Why Hc Svnt Dracones?
Ashtaar, Whines, and Corbeau share a gaming table and a love for the furry fandom. Corbeau used to write the “Furstarter” furry crowdfunding podcast, and stumbled Hc Svnt Dracones when he saw the game on kickstarter. It’s a fun game with some good ideas, and Corb wanted to get involved and help expand the HSD universe. Thus, the podcast!