Recent Episodes
Radio Free Deimos
An HC SVNT DRACONES podcast and fan exploration of the HSD game, mechanics, and world(s), broadcasting from Asaph Hall on Voltaire Station!

Radio Free Deimos E69 – Blueskies
#69 – Blueskies, those tiny cities lost in the void
Radio Free Deimos E68 – PC Corporations
#68 – Building corporations on a PC scale
Radio Free Deimos E67 – Author Kickstarter interview!
#67 – a little Christmas preview of the upcoming “Mastered” options and resources guide, soon to launch on kickstarter!
Radio Free Deimos E66 -TTI Town/Author Interview!
#66 – HSD Author Emmi and occasional guest Tygon join us to unpack more TTI lore!
Upcoming Episodes:
- Radio Free Deimos E14: RPPR Interview with Tom Church!
- Episode 11: The Nature of Species
- Episode 10: It’s The Cog Show!
- Episode 9: Jung 2750:Archetypes for Character Generation
- Episode 8: A Midnight Exceptionally Clear
- Episode 7: Building a Party in a Classless Society
- Episode 5: The Rules of Cuil
- Episode 2: A Whirlwind Tour of Sol
- Episode 1: Bucket of Opinions!
Recent Articles
Pantheon, Inc.
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
Sci-Fi (and other) Sports
Working toward a July 2019 episode of Radio Free Deimos, the final part of a three-part series on Pulse, we wanted to take a look at some sports from history and fantasy/sci-fi that might make the transition to Sol 702AE. Okay, so some of these aren't technically from...
Voices in the Wilderness: HSD and Catholicism
Voices in the Wilderness: Catholicism in the Vectorized Future 2019 By NavyMongoose “So Noah, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives, went into the ark because of the waters of the flood. Of clean animals, of animals that are unclean, of birds, and of everything...
Your one-stop shop for branding and corptown infrastructure, now under new management
Bastion (former Megacorp)
A former megacorp that thrived on conflict and war profiteering
Recent Blogs
Sci-Fi (and other) Sports
Working toward a July 2019 episode of Radio Free Deimos, the final part of a three-part series on Pulse, we wanted to take a look at some sports from history and fantasy/sci-fi that might make the transition to Sol 702AE. Okay, so some of these aren't technically from...
Touring Terra with Atlas Obscura
A recurring project I'd like to work with someday is a list of interesting spots in the solar system--real-world, game canon, and fan-created sites that would be evocative and interesting to adventure in. In an attempt to avoid real work I spent most of the day...
The Sammi Sessions – Lost Light #5
Lost Light #5: The lovingest parents in Sol, and the nature of hot zones
The Sammi Sessions – Lost Light #4
Lost Light #4: The Cutest Little Bioprobe, Blue vs. blue…
Itunes, Stitcher, Google Play, and other updates!
New ways to subscribe, and working toward a platform for sharing HSD community content!