Good news, everyone! You can now get Radio Free Deimos on three of the favorite podcast distributors! Check us out on Itunes, Stitcher, and Google Play! This is a great way to start off the new year 🙂
Check us out, subscribe, and consider leaving a review!
Other news: I’m working toward making Radio Free Deimos’s Resource page a resource for Hc Svnt Dracones fan-created content. I’ve got a nice set of filters set up to help make this a reality. Mid-term goals, I’d like to make a set of forms to help easily build content in an intuitive manner (WordPress is great if you know it, otherwise it’s a bit of a trial). This is going to require a bit of time and money–well, money, which correlates closely with time!) Until that’s ready to go, I can manually add articles and new authors. Interested? Please drop me a note.