Progenitus Goes Public

Unable to stomach the corruption in the health industry, the Spyglass spin-off watchdog/medical espionage group Progenitus takes their information public. Soon they are able to provide reasonable health care to all of Sol.

Mission: Earth 2; Pale Man

A second attempt at exploring Terra begins months later, focusing on space ship silos. Team 2 sent two months later. They find strange script on the bunker walls, echoing the weird scrawls left by the monstrous owls centuries ago. They are quickly dispatched by more...

Mission: Earth 1

Lured by the promise of a “Goldilocks zone” planet, Terra’s children return home for the first time in 200 years. Two teams are sent to explore the planet, neither returns.

The Dawn March I

An experimental caravan trundles across Mercury for 20 years, eventually destroyed by fatigue and Mercury’s harsh sun. Date: Estimated, arbitrary early 200s date

Phobos Expands

Along with the rise of Stellarum, Phobos Base expands as a shipyard, port, and destination in its own right. Eventually the small asteroid moon doubles in size.

Stellarum’s High Point

Stellarum, originally a Marsco spinoff, establishes itself as the guardian MegaCorp of Luna, focusing on shipbuilding on Luna, Mars, and later on Ganymede.

The Zapruder Holo: Pale Man on Camera

Over the next 30 years the cameras planted by the Luna One explorers broadcast images from earth, before being disabled by a strang, thin byped with no eyes, dubbed “Pale Man.” Date: Estimated, 15 years after the death of Last Human Family

The Plague Years

After over a century of robust health, disease rears its ugly head again. MarsCo pushes toward a charity-based health care system. Genetic therapy titan Genotype takes the brunt of the blame. It’s nearly 10 years before science rebottles this particular...

Genotype Discorporated

Megacorp “Genotype” destroyed by mice, executing the board on public television. How much of this is the work of brave rodents and how much is a tactical strike against the failing medical megacorp is unknown. Exact date: unknown, likely somewhere between...

Cat vs Rat: Felidae Pushback Against Genotype

Under a banner of assumed noble intent, Felidae waged a economic/social campaign against Genotype, either to destroy it or make a profit. Date: Estimated, some 150 years after Generation 3 and the period leading up to Genotype collapse and the Plague...

Last Human Family Killed

The Terran colony maintains itself for 15 years before being wiped from the surface by alien horrors, later called “an attack by local wildlife” on MarsCo’s news briefs.

Generation Mouse

Rat-owned Megacorp “Genotype” creates the mouse Vectors, which are not, technically, a slave race. They are the first new vectors created in over a hundred years, and the last. Date: estimated, 20 years prior to Genotype’s collapse and the Plague...

Luna Colony One and the Last Human Family

MarsCo agents establish Luna Colony, and the last human family returns to Terra to reclaim their home. The fine details of this story vary depending on your sources, a small community of humans watching the sun set on their homeworld, or several shipfuls of humans,...

Is there Life on Earth?

Radio signals (static, old programming, etc) have been received from Terra for some time. Some monstrous life forms seen on surface. It is believed that the hasty “hemi-vector” processes may have had mutative side effects.

MarsCo Adopts the Ledger

“Ledger” system developed by a young ferret on a bet. It spreads through the web before MarsCo discovers and adopts it. The massive edge this gives to MarsCo and its subsidiary companies, who now effectively control the stable currency of Sol, cannot be...

Phobos Base

Mars’s moon Phobos is reserved as a biological bank and technological archive, likely by Genotype. Evidence of this will be buried under kilometers of spaceport construction over the next seven centuries. Date: Estimated, some time after 70 AE

ASR Creates Cogs, Cogs define ASR

MarsCo branch creates first artificial intelligence: Cogs. 10 years of minor changes and edits follow. Following this triumph, Applied Science and Robotics stands as an independent Megacorp.

The First Subsidiaries

MarsCo spins off ASR as a tech company, and Pulse, Genotype are founded as subdivisions of MarsCo.