Terraforming Venus was a massive, even godlike publicity stunt undertaking. Vectors had to build a breathable atmosphere, increase the planet’s rotation, adjust the temperature, replace cyanide oceans with water ones, and build a functioning ecosystem. Much of Venus’s “native” wildlife was crafted to be unique to Venus, including a handful of sea monsters and dragon-like creatures. While Venus has almost four times the surface of Mars, it hasn’t yet been heavily colonized; the strangeness of the land and its spare population make Venus something like the “outback” of Sol.
Venus’s landscape is twisted in strange ways, with natural arches, volcanic planes, strange honeycomb structures, and so forth. The cities built on top of and inside these strange overhangs have spectacular views.
Places to Visit:
The Lattice Seas
Remnants of the heat-blasted pre-terraformed planet, this shard-like matrix of crystal-like molten rock runs deep into Venus’s oceans and along the shores. Very few seafaring vessels will risk these jagged, hidden rocks; most travel along the shore is by hovercraft. This complex environment and ecosystem is a popular destination for aquatic vectors, and many laterals make the Lattice Seas their home.
The Venus Intrusion
Tourists are invited not to visit the Venus Intrusion. The largest known Blightspot, the Intrusion was created when a bioship design complex was destroyed, fusing three bioships together in the process, along with any number of biotech resources and Transcendent devices. Respect the yellow striped tape outside the complex. It’s there for your protection.