Early Transcendance

The seeds of Terra’s destruction are found on Europa, centuries before TTI unlocks the ice-moon’s secrets. Radio telescopes trained on Europa discern the shape of the monolith, and use its strange geometry to code a very dangerous artificial intelligence....

Pulse Gets You There Quicker

Tasked with protecting MarsCo’s preeminent status as the transportation solution for Sol, Pulse develops the controversial Digital Transmission process. “Digitrans” involves a combination of neural recording, high speed data transmission, molecular...

Cuil Theory, Hamburgers

Terran internet encyclopedia “Reddit” frames cuil theory. This may or may not be the item mentioned in HSD 1.0 to a Terran database referencing Cuil Theory. In Sound and Silence the lore goes into more detail about Transcendent research on Terra, which is...

Lumen Launches

Disruptive technology company “Lumen” breaks into Terra at the speed of light. Maybe a little faster than. Breakdowns in the Status Quo follow as MarsCo faces its first legitimate threat in 700 years: life-changing technology that they have no control...

Terror of the Brain Bugs

Dr. Gelic Saan attempts to “Vector” a nymph, and and is eaten by his creation. Within a month, an “Exonymph” colony begins in a Venusian ocean lab. Nymphs are a common constructed life form across all of Sol, a sort of biological computer to...

Transcendent Implants

TTI goes public with its signature product, the reality-warping Transcendent Implants. Date: AE 550, canon timeline

The Dawn March III

With Venus terraforming complete, Mercury has a new neighbor, and the Dawn March rolls forward again as an industrial research base, its slagged fleet supplemented with the construction ships from Venus. A home of last resort for the truly desperate, voted third-best...

ASR Blasts Off Again

ASR comes back on stage with the Thrust Drive, in partnership with Stellarum: a newer, cheaper propulsion technology that will open up Sol to travel. Date: Hazy. The establishment of the thrust drive opens up Sol to exploration, and is tied to the birth of IRPF,...

Cog2.0: Cogsune Launch Failure

“Cog2.0” announced by Aron So, CEO of ASR. Fired next day. The covert Cogsune project continues to this day. Generally this has been regarded as one of the biggest marketing blunders or best corporate cover-ups in the history of history, as ASR has been...

The Dawn March I

An experimental caravan trundles across Mercury for 20 years, eventually destroyed by fatigue and Mercury’s harsh sun. Date: Estimated, arbitrary early 200s date

Phobos Base

Mars’s moon Phobos is reserved as a biological bank and technological archive, likely by Genotype. Evidence of this will be buried under kilometers of spaceport construction over the next seven centuries. Date: Estimated, some time after 70 AE

ASR Creates Cogs, Cogs define ASR

MarsCo branch creates first artificial intelligence: Cogs. 10 years of minor changes and edits follow. Following this triumph, Applied Science and Robotics stands as an independent Megacorp.

Protovectors: The Sphinx

The protovector sphinx created in Martian bio research labs as an off-the-books project, soon followed by griffins, dragons, and other mythical creatures. They become the ultimate status pet.

Creation of the Geomat

The invention of the Geomat, a mobile “3D Printer for Civilizations,” redefines economy and labor, underlining the new power of the corporations. Likely the product of one of the companies that would go on to found MarsCo. The official beginning of the Sol...