Summary: A popular hoop-and-ball game popular throughout Sol. A favorite in MarsCo towns, though the Rebound League Corporation is a Pulse subsidiary.
Teams/Players Two teams of six, but team roles and members are traded randomly through the game, indicated by shifting uniform colors.
Uniforms/Equipment: Rebound is a full-contact sport, but requires agility, so light padding and helmets are included in a regulation uniform. Because of Rebound’s randomized teams, uniforms usually have color-changing components. The court is a circular arena 30 feet across with five moving four-foot rings (usually holograms) and an assortment of large obstacles dotting the field.
Rules/Play: A technologically enhanced hoop-and-ball game. Points are only scored if the ball has been bounced off an obstacle or opposing player. Teams and roles are shuffled, both at the beginning of the game and throughout, so the game and fan base tend to focus on the individual players over the team itself.
The goal hoops are in constant motion, and tend to move more away from the ball than toward it.
Culture, HSD Applications: Played throughout Sol, but it’s strongest and receives the best hype on Venus, home of the Rebound League Corporation. It’s broad fan base makes it easy to build local leagues, and it occupies a space something like basketball in Vector culture, although its technological requirements make it hard to play “real” rebound as a pick-up game. Rebound plays particularly well in MarsCo corptowns, as Big M likes the inclusive, player-shuffling element of the game. Rebound breaks down corporate and species walls in a societally useful manner. Pulse favors the game over many other local sports because it emphasizes the individual as much as, or more than, the team.
One unanswered question about the origins of Rebound is whether the IRPF home sport of Joiner is a spin-off of Rebound, or if it’s the other way around. Marsco sports historians usually agree that Joiner is the home version of the sport. IRPF isn’t paid enough to care.