It’s Alive: TTI expands its catalog

TTI expands their catalog as they learn more about the “native” life on Europa, developing bioships, living armor, and strangely interactive implants. The creation of customized life becomes the meat and potato service offered by the company as the flow of...

Transcendentally Weird

Life on Europa is…different. Violence erupts on the ice moon, and TTI’s bioship fleet shows a strange telepathic communication. Spyglass investigates after Europa’s second mass suicide. TTI, always a very private organization, begins to withdraw from...

Early Transcendance

The seeds of Terra’s destruction are found on Europa, centuries before TTI unlocks the ice-moon’s secrets. Radio telescopes trained on Europa discern the shape of the monolith, and use its strange geometry to code a very dangerous artificial intelligence....

Cuil Theory, Hamburgers

Terran internet encyclopedia “Reddit” frames cuil theory. This may or may not be the item mentioned in HSD 1.0 to a Terran database referencing Cuil Theory. In Sound and Silence the lore goes into more detail about Transcendent research on Terra, which is...

TTI withdraws

Once a proponent of exploration of the Whisperwerk Spire on Terra, TTI largely plays down that idea as the century winds to a close. Traffic near Europa is regulated more tightly. Date: 690 AE, estimated. This period is a hazy “in the years leading up to the...

Transcendent Implants

TTI goes public with its signature product, the reality-warping Transcendent Implants. Date: AE 550, canon timeline

Ivory Tower

Construction begins on the Spear of Heaven, a Bonewerk tower on Europa bigger than several cities. Date: 540 AE, canon timeline

Transcendent Technologies

TTI announces the capture of a Whisper, and rapidly ascends to megacorp status. Date: “Several months after the whisper attacks.” The full story of the captured whisper is a major element of Sound and Silence and informs all of TTI’s storyline from...

Alien Intelligence: The Monolith

Discovery of the Monolith and other xeno-archeology under Europa’s ocean provides proof of non-terrestrial life, and a strange link to the horrors of Vector past.

Colonization of Europa begins

TTI begins a cleaner colonization of Europa. Unlike the terraforming of Ganymede and Mars, this will leave any potential life on Europa intact for future scientific exploration and corporate profiteering.

TTI Funding Campaign Successful!

During Venus terraforming, reports of primitive life in its atmosphere and seas. Concerns about planetwide biocide fuel the expansion of a new Corp with a cleaner solution for exploring and inhabiting Europa: Transcendent Technologies Incorporated. The fledgling Corp...

TTI first visits Europa

TTI, then a small biotech firm, mounts its first expedition to Europa, finding traces of extraterrestrial life. Date: Estimated, there’s the suggestion of an early visit to Venus in the 2.0 lore that may predate TTI’s official launch as a...