Wayfinder’s Guide to Venus

Venus! The jewel of the goldilocks zone, land of opportunity, and the great frontier of the inner ring! The terrain is strange, the wildlife is exotic, and the locals are a little weird too. Met some cool folks, seen some cool sites, done some cool things? Drop us a note, share with your fellow wayfinders! 


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Holidays and Festivals


A Venusian springtime celebration of bureaucratic inefficiency, contrariness, and local culture


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The Watery Depths (WIP)

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

Pantheon Glossary/Quick Reference

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

Pantheon, Inc.

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

The Accountant and the Velvet City

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

The Warden

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

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The Watery Depths (WIP)

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…

The Quad (review)

The largest Bluesky cluster, a four-station oasis and docking facility over Venus, and the largest habitable construct in orbit.

Pantheon Glossary/Quick Reference

A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…


Once a University, then a prison, now a reliquary, Kafka 6 is a deep vault of 20th century cultural and literary criticism…if that’s somehow your thing.


A Venusian springtime celebration of bureaucratic inefficiency, contrariness, and local culture