by Corbeau | Apr 18, 2019 | |
Somewhat unsubstantiated theory follows, based on Sound and Silence, p. 32. Marsco’s original artificial intelligence, the Central Trinity system, was a double-edged gift from humanity to help guide (or regulate, or slow, or limit) the growth of technology in...
by Corbeau | Apr 18, 2019 | |
Some time before AE 70, Pulse began a social unification project that was wrecked by ASR’s creation of the Cogs. We don’t know what this project was, but there’s hints. First, Pulse’s slogan: Become limitless. Second, we know that in its...
by Corbeau | Mar 16, 2019 | |
TTI expands their catalog as they learn more about the “native” life on Europa, developing bioships, living armor, and strangely interactive implants. The creation of customized life becomes the meat and potato service offered by the company as the flow of...
by Corbeau | Mar 16, 2019 | |
Life on Europa is…different. Violence erupts on the ice moon, and TTI’s bioship fleet shows a strange telepathic communication. Spyglass investigates after Europa’s second mass suicide. TTI, always a very private organization, begins to withdraw from...
by Corbeau | Mar 16, 2019 | |
The seeds of Terra’s destruction are found on Europa, centuries before TTI unlocks the ice-moon’s secrets. Radio telescopes trained on Europa discern the shape of the monolith, and use its strange geometry to code a very dangerous artificial intelligence....
by Corbeau | Jul 8, 2018 | |
Early Sol’s corporate terrain was built exclusively by MarsCo. There’s no way around this. All Terran corporations that managed to survive in some form on the red planet did so as subsidiaries of MarsCo. The earliest of the Post-Terran megacorps–ASR,...
by Corbeau | Jul 8, 2018 | |
History is written by the winners, and we are dealing with the history of the vectors, the undisputed victors of the greatest, and last, culture war in humanity’s long history of same. When the curtain parts on Mars, the spotlight of history remains on the red...
by Corbeau | Jun 30, 2018 | |
In the years following the destruction of their homeworld, humanity has what, conservatively, one could call a cultural good cry. There is no way to get a full figure of how much of Terra’s information wealth is lost, either to the nuclear destruction of the...
by Corbeau | Jun 29, 2018 | |
A flaw in the Rat species’ coding and anti-mutt protocol threatens to muddle all the various breeds of rat into a homogeneous single species. The rats embrace this. With Genotype’s assistance, over several decades they selectively refine their breed into...
by Corbeau | Jun 29, 2018 | |
Tasked with protecting MarsCo’s preeminent status as the transportation solution for Sol, Pulse develops the controversial Digital Transmission process. “Digitrans” involves a combination of neural recording, high speed data transmission, molecular...
by Corbeau | Jun 29, 2018 | |
A corporation on the edge of breaking into the ranks of the Megacorps puts a huge sum of money toward commissioning their own Bluesky station near Jupiter orbit. Decades later when they attempt to destroy their own station, they learn a valuable, final, lesson: MarsCo...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Terran internet encyclopedia “Reddit” frames cuil theory. This may or may not be the item mentioned in HSD 1.0 to a Terran database referencing Cuil Theory. In Sound and Silence the lore goes into more detail about Transcendent research on Terra, which is...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Construction of a massive fleet by Pulse, Progenitus, and some IRPF begins, with the intent of attacking the Ruby Spire. TTI, which has faded into the background recently, strongly discourages this “plan.” Some people see this as MarsCo finally waking up....
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Disruptive technology company “Lumen” breaks into Terra at the speed of light. Maybe a little faster than. Breakdowns in the Status Quo follow as MarsCo faces its first legitimate threat in 700 years: life-changing technology that they have no control...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Once a proponent of exploration of the Whisperwerk Spire on Terra, TTI largely plays down that idea as the century winds to a close. Traffic near Europa is regulated more tightly. Date: 690 AE, estimated. This period is a hazy “in the years leading up to the...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Attacks on BlueSky station “Longbow” by its owners, a long-forgotten budding megacorp, leave the station abandoned—inhabitable, but unmarketable. Laterals who wish to live a feral lifestyle colonize it later, creating a grotto that sensationalist media...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
TTI goes public with its signature product, the reality-warping Transcendent Implants. Date: AE 550, canon timeline
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Construction begins on the Spear of Heaven, a Bonewerk tower on Europa bigger than several cities. Date: 540 AE, canon timeline
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
Interplanetary shipyard and Bluesky construction firm Stellarum is reabsorbed by MarsCo, the recession and post-whisper mood don’t favor luxury and travel. Date: 513 AE, uncertain. Closely tied to the Whisper attack on Mars and the recession/travel restrictions...
by Corbeau | Jun 27, 2018 | |
TTI announces the capture of a Whisper, and rapidly ascends to megacorp status. Date: “Several months after the whisper attacks.” The full story of the captured whisper is a major element of Sound and Silence and informs all of TTI’s storyline from...