History Test 2

Terran Prehistory: Copies of ancient databases hint at the world humanity created before the rise of corporate rule… The Prehistory of Sol 1965 through….? Ancient Terran Calendar Internet Beginnings 1967 (Terran calendar): ARPANET, foundation of the...

The Prehistory of Sol 1965 through….? Ancient Terran Calendar Internet Beginnings 1967 (Terran calendar): ARPANET, foundation of the Internet, created WWW 1989 (Terran): Beginnings of the World Wide Web Cuil Theory, Hamburgers 2008 (Terran): Cuil Theory leaked...

Sci-Fi (and other) Sports

Working toward a July 2019 episode of Radio Free Deimos, the final part of a three-part series on Pulse, we wanted to take a look at some sports from history and fantasy/sci-fi that might make the transition to Sol 702AE. Okay, so some of these aren’t...

Tidings of Great Buy: Religion in Hc Svnt Dracones

An incoherant little essay on the place of religion in Sol… “There are still religions, both new and old. The concept of God has had a few alterations made to it as the map has expanded, but if anything the bold new frontier has only bolstered the spiritual need...

Exotic Options: Minicorps, Zombies, and more

The Megacorps have the weight of society behind them: Big Seven builds corptowns, shape planets, and define the terms of vector life. Even so, they aren’t the only options. They may be the only viable options—nothing short of a planet-spanning corporate empire...


At this point, Pulse is a sprawling media empire 600+ years old. MarsCo is literally as old as creation. Not to say anything bad about Big M, if you need a pair of really comfortable shoes and a kemeta that says “looks like ₢10 but it’s really free with my...