The Prehistory of Sol 1965 through….? Ancient Terran Calendar Internet Beginnings 1967 (Terran calendar): ARPANET, foundation of the Internet, created WWW 1989 (Terran): Beginnings of the World Wide Web Cuil Theory, Hamburgers 2008 (Terran): Cuil Theory leaked...
Apex and Dias (stub)
Two gems of power in the oversized belt buckle of glory that is Elysium
Tethera (stub)
Every neighborhood needs the creepy abandoned wreck on the north side of town. For Elysium, it’s Tethera.
Discourse (stub)
Home of Pulse’s cutthroat competitive sports commentator scene. Yes, there are people commentating on the commentators, we’ve heard it before.
Storm (stub)
One of the biggest arenas in Sol, Storm caters to big team sports, and truly Olympian after-parties.
Aurum (stub)
The financial district and Pulse’s in-house creative accounting division.
Keberus (stub)
Home of the greatest kitchens on Mars. If you think yours is better, they’ll arm wrestle you for it.
Croix (stub)
Open and foresty, the park and woodland district of the sprawl.
Idylle (stub)
Entry to the Elysium corptown sprawl, gateway to tourists and newbies alike.
Sci-Fi (and other) Sports
Working toward a July 2019 episode of Radio Free Deimos, the final part of a three-part series on Pulse, we wanted to take a look at some sports from history and fantasy/sci-fi that might make the transition to Sol 702AE. Okay, so some of these aren’t...Mapping Mars (no article)
Science Fiction Archetypes, Tropes, and Character Ideas
Call this one a work-in-progress, a “comprehensive” list of character seeds, tropes, and concepts for sci-fi role-playing games, with some loose thematic order. Broadly these are within standard player character power levels, but…no promises. Some...Tidings of Great Buy: Religion in Hc Svnt Dracones
An incoherant little essay on the place of religion in Sol… “There are still religions, both new and old. The concept of God has had a few alterations made to it as the map has expanded, but if anything the bold new frontier has only bolstered the spiritual need...A Game of Shares – Adventures in Investment Brokering in HSD
A Game of Shares Thoughts on how stock trading and ledgers influence the world of HSD note – this was written before Sound and Silence was released, and that book has a lot of info on the economics of Sol. Maybe I’ll expand this eventually… Whether...Exotic Options: Minicorps, Zombies, and more
The Megacorps have the weight of society behind them: Big Seven builds corptowns, shape planets, and define the terms of vector life. Even so, they aren’t the only options. They may be the only viable options—nothing short of a planet-spanning corporate empire...Mode!
At this point, Pulse is a sprawling media empire 600+ years old. MarsCo is literally as old as creation. Not to say anything bad about Big M, if you need a pair of really comfortable shoes and a kemeta that says “looks like ₢10 but it’s really free with my...Base Drives: House rules for Motivations and Compulsions
(work in progress) – some house rules expanding on the idea of “motivations”
Connecting the Stars
Lightstream: An ASR/Pulse/Spyglass operation servicing SolNet, and some suggestions for information transfer rules