1965 through….? Ancient Terran Calendar
1967 (Terran calendar): ARPANET, foundation of the Internet, created
1989 (Terran): Beginnings of the World Wide Web
2008 (Terran): Cuil Theory leaked on “Reddit”
2014 (Terran): Celphone browsing exeeds desktop internet browsing
-65 AE: Terran governments attempt to regulate inter-nation communication
-60 AE: Invention of the first Geomats
-50 AE: Early non-government “Corptown” cities form
-48 AE: Corporate education system, other corpcitizen support develops
-45 AE: Multi-industry corporations and consolidation
-35 AE: Space-ready second generation Geomats
-33 AE: Martian colony corps consolidate, forming Marsco
-33 AE: Three Martian colonies formed, biotech research
-33 AE: The early history of Mars is the history of Sol…
-28 AE: Protovector “Sphinx” created
-26 AE: Bipedal animal hybrids, moral outrage
-24 AE: Terran Governments outlaw hybrids
-23 AE: Europan echoes hint at alien geometries
-23 AE: Marsco receives protovector documentation
-16 AE: First wave of protovectors reach end of 10-year lifespan
-15 AE: 180 vectors created from six species: Vector Generation One
-15 AE: Terra uncomfortable with Vector Project…
-15 AE: Dogs Given the Vote
-14 AE: Legal challenges to MarsCo, public reaction to Vectors
-10 AE: Fears of backlash cause Marsco to shut down PR streams
-9 AE: Cold war and war of attrition begin on Terra
-8 AE : Generation 2: Morphisms, Mutations, Mustelids
-8 AE: One World Government established on Terra
-7 AE: Limited nuclear war on Terra
-6 AE: Retroactive gene modification used to create a new breed of Vector
-6 AE: Hemi terrorists destroy Marsco space port
-5 AE: AI released on Terra unlocks nuclear holocaust
-4 AE: Marsco’s AI Sentry programmed with plan for Vector cultural development
AE 0: All life on Terra extinguished
0-6 AE?: Humanity loses direction after the end of Terra
5 AE: Probable end of protovector “race”
5 AE: The credit currency system developed, but is unstable
5 AE: Generation Three, “Sink or Swim”
6 AE: Owl mutation ends one fourth of bird line
8 AE: Mars establishes culture and basic economy
18 AE: Raccoon-borne lateral “vaccine” discovered
AE 20: Marsco’s “Sentry” AI goes quiet?
AE 21: Marsco enters an “eyes closed” phase
AE 30: completion of Gen 3 Vector lines
AE 30: ASR, Genotype, Pulse
AE 37: Beginnings of Silent War and Phase Out of Humanity
AE 40: Sentry shuts down, leaving Marsco blind
AE 46: Pulse expands its role as sports/media conglomerate
AE 58: Pulse’s failed social unification project
AE 65: Genotype and the purification of the Rat brand
AE 67: ASR creates, and is defined by, Cogs
AE 69? – 107 : Economic instability and culture war shakes Mars
AE 69-110?: Gradual and covert phase-out of humanity
AE 84: Genetic and technological archive established on Phobos
AE 85: Food and supply riots across colonized Mars
AE 87: 20 years of improvement of the Cog concept
AE 89: After a 50 year lull, Marsco’s guiding AI is back
AE 102: Vectors meet an old friend: disease
AE 102: Radio signals indicate life on Terra
AE 105: Pulse rediscovers blood sports
AE 107: Creation and rapid adoption of the Ledger
AE 109-AE 240: The Ledger leads to an age of exploration and exploitation
AE 111 (150?): Luna Colony One and the Last Human Family
AE 112: Marsco fights the plague with lower health care costs
AE 120: MarsCo’s ship-building subsidiary Stellarum
AE 126: End of human race
AE 131: Phobos expands, Human DNA vanishes
AE 156: Signals from the Terra colony terminated by alien entity
AE 195: Felidae corps wage war on Genotype
AE 200: Genotype disbanded
AE 224: Mars Overcrowding Fears
AE 228: Stellarum rises as megacorp, increased ship building across Sol
AE 237: Early scientific experimentation on Mercury
AE 247: First Venus corptown?
AE 267: Boom period for Luna Colony
AE 284: Progenitus reveals medical corruption, buys medical industry
AE 284?: Did Spyglass create other successful spinoffs?
AE 322: Early exploration of Europa
AE 331: ASR, Stellarum develop Thrust Drive
AE 340: Phobos Spaceport Expands
AE 342-420 (290-420?): Pirates vs. Police in the inner ring
AE 355: Reawakening interest in the Dawn Drive
AE 355: Ganymede Colony established
AE 358: The launch failure of “Cog 2.0”
AE 363: Construction of Nephalim Mana Platform completed
AE372 (360?): Return to Terra, Terror
AE 385: Ganymede’s Terraforming
AE 415: The great project of Terraforming Venus
AE 415-511: Sol’s Golden Age
AE 420: TTI finds funding for its Europa voyage
AE 424: Europa Colonists Go Forth
AE 425: IRPF spinoff established
AE 425-483: No law in the outer colony?
AE 425: Discovery of the Monolith
AE 430: Venus Terraforming Complete
AE 434: New resources and tech funneled to the Dawn March project
AE 438: The beginning of the Shambles grotto?
AE 443: (Re)Discovery of the Master’s Voice
AE 447: Ganymede’s strong shipbuilding industry
AE 455: Io “Colony?” established
AE 474: Vitae manufacturing begins
AE 475: Accidental demolition of Deimos moon
AE 481: TTI uses vitae to redefine “alive”
AE 483: TTI and Progenitus rivalry develops
AE 493: Spyglass releases templates for Phylactery Spheres
AE 509 (550-570?): Mysterious ship launches from Terra
AE 511: Earth mission leads to Luna One’s destruction
AE 511: Whisper and Pale Men invasion
AE 511: Travel lockdown in Sol
AE 511-550: The Whisper Recession
AE 512: TTI Announces Capture of Whisper
AE 514: Stellarum Megacorp shuts down
AE 515: Noteworthy absence of Pulse during Whisper Recession
AE 518: ASR’s colossal Ganymede robot battle arena opens
AE 518-523: Cats vs Rabbit War
AE 538: A return to “normal” after Whisper invasion
AE 540: Construction begins on Spear of Heaven
AE 546: Interplanetary Trade Resumes and Expands
AE 550-605: Ambiguous but positive era of growth and weird
AE 550: New, very strange, technology
AE 565: The Trancendent Bible released on Solnet
AE 570: Ganymede Grows Up
AE 572: Pulse Gets You There Quicker
AE 600: Dusk March begins on Mercury
AE 605-Present: Sol’s Modern Era
AE 605: Ruby Spire on Terra
AE 608: IRPF establishes permanent Terran quarantine zone
AE 614: Bioprobes and other living products emerge from TTI labs
AE 620: Longbow Bluesky abandoned, unfinished
AE 620: Strange Rumors from Europa
AE 650: Longbow attacks cripple station
AE 665: Gelic Saans creates, is eaten by, exonymphs
AE 674: TTI Research on Mercury
AE 690: TTI regulates travel, fades from public view
AE 700: Sol Present Day (HSD 1.0)
AE 702: Lumen and light-speed technology
AE 703: Pulse and Progenitus lead the charge against the Terran Menace