by Corbeau | Aug 28, 2019 | Pantheon Inc, Pantheon-Depths | Codex, Pulse, Venus
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
by Corbeau | Aug 28, 2019 | Pantheon Inc | Codex, Pulse, Venus
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
by Corbeau | Aug 27, 2019 | Pantheon Inc, Pantheon-Throng, Pantheon-Warden, Wayfinder Venus | Codex, Contracts and Encounters, Pulse, Venus
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
by Corbeau | Aug 27, 2019 | Pantheon Inc, Pantheon-Throng | Codex, Pulse, Venus
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
by Corbeau | Aug 27, 2019 | Pantheon Inc, Pantheon-Warden, Wayfinder Venus | Codex, Pulse, Venus
A life-and-death quest across Venus, with immortality as the prize…
by Corbeau | Jul 30, 2019 | Parallax, Wayfinder Inner Ring, Wayfinder Venus Orbit | Bluesky, Codex, Inner Ring, Places, Venus
The hub of travel in Sol, and a source of wonder about what might be beyond in a dark time for Sol.
by Corbeau | Jan 10, 2019 | (review), Wayfinder Bluesky, Wayfinder Canon, Wayfinder Inner Ring, Wayfinder Venus Close Orbit | Codex, Venus
The largest Bluesky cluster, a four-station oasis and docking facility over Venus, and the largest habitable construct in orbit.
by Corbeau | Jan 2, 2019 | (review), Venus Festivals, Venus Holidays, Wayfinder Festivals, Wayfinder Holidays, Wayfinder Venus | Codex, Venus
A Venusian springtime celebration of bureaucratic inefficiency, contrariness, and local culture
by Corbeau | Jan 1, 2019 | (review), Wayfinder Academia, Wayfinder Canon, Wayfinder Venus | Codex, Venus
A venerable, members-only museum in the Lattice Sea
by Corbeau | Jan 1, 2019 | (review), Wayfinder Academia, Wayfinder University, Wayfinder Venus, WF-Voltaire | Codex, Venus
Once a University, then a prison, now a reliquary, Kafka 6 is a deep vault of 20th century cultural and literary criticism…if that’s somehow your thing.
by Corbeau | Jan 1, 2019 | (review), Wayfinder Counterculture, Wayfinder Festivals, Wayfinder Venus | Codex, Venus
A wilderness gathering of self-proclaimed monsters
by Corbeau | Jan 1, 2019 | (review), Wayfinder ASR, Wayfinder Project Bluesky, Wayfinder Station, Wayfinder Venus Orbit | Codex, Venus
Not a recommended destination, this tiny, unmanned station is everything you’d expect from an automated ASR outpost.